AccordionFAQ for Joomla 1.6/1.7/2.5
AccordionFAQ documentation on JoomlaNook
Accordion FAQ 2.5.3
Changelog from version 2.5.2:
- Corrected to work with IE9 in IE7/IE8 modes.
Changelog from version 2.5.1:
- You can now use a jquery selector (ie classname) to define what html tags will be used as faq headers. This is useful when your template uses cufon fonts and is altering the h1-h6 tags.
- Added openFaqItem function.
- Improved nested faq support
- faqitem= variable now supports the specification of multiple faqitems, seperated by commas, i.e. faqitem=faq1item1,faq2item3. This allows the creation of links to nested faq items.
Changelog from version 2.5.0:
- Added scroll on open parameter
- Added jumpToFaqItem function.
- Corrected broken faq links in IE7
- CSS autonumber changes to improve IE7 compatibility
- Modified accordionfaq js to allow it to exist on same page with jQuery UI
- Added 'Open multiple' parameter. This option allows more than one faq item to be open at a time.
- Updated to jQuery version 1.7.2.
Changelog from version 1.0.20:
- Minor changes to eliminate php warnings.
- Improved support of multi-line faq headings.
Changelog from version 1.0.19:
- Minor changes to improve compatiblity with other templates/extensions.
- Updated to jQuery version 1.7.1.
Changelog from version 1.0.18:
- Added keyaccess parameter to provide keyboard accessibility to faq headers for disabled users.
Changelog from version 1.0.17:
- Added faqlinks parameter to enable generation of faq item links
- Vertical bars may now be used for delimiters in parameter specifications
- Faq classes parameter now defaults to lightnessfaq
- Added visibility attribute to error messages
- Updated to jQuery version 1.6.4
Changelog from version 1.0.16:
- Corrected parsing problem with faqitem variable
- Updated to jQuery version 1.6.2
Changelog from version 1.0.15:
- Corrected IE6 problem with dynamic script loading
Changelog from version 1.0.14:
- Updated to jQuery version 1.6.1
- Improved print view display.
Changelog from version 1.0.13:
- Modified to display all faq items when in print view.
Changelog from version 1.0.12:
- Updated to jQuery version 1.5.2.
- Removed moduletable and contentpaneopen rules from base CSS file
Changelog from version 1.0.11:
- Updated to jQuery version 1.5.1.
Changelog from version 1.0.10:
- Implemented 'hidefaq' class to hide faq content until it has been properly formatted on the page.
- added jQuery noConflict parameter
- added clear: both style to main faq div
- Removed height specification in graybarfaq css
- Updated to jQuery version 1.5.
Changelog from version 1.0.9:
- Added parameter to allow dynamic css loading to be disabled.
- Updated to jQuery version 1.4.4.
Changelog from version 1.0.8:
- Implemented dynamic script loading. This enables accordionfaq to work independant of the order in which scripts are loaded onto the page. As well, multiple inclusions of jquery on the same page are no longer a problem.
- Implemented CSS classes to allow alignment of auto-generated faqitem number.
- Added Hebrew language translation by Yair Lahav.
- Implemented right-to-left language support (rtl) in the CSS themes.
- Corrected css to allow for faq headers that exceed the width of one line.
- Implemented dynamic css loading to ensure that faq css settings are applied consistently.
- Minor css corrections to overcastfaq and cupertinofaq.
Changelog from version 1.0.7:
- Upgraded to Joomla 1.6
- Added jquery ui preconfigured themes.
- Enhanced faqitem support to allow specificatiion of user defined ids.
- Upgraded to jquery 1.4.2
- Enhanced parameter edits and error reporting.
Accordion FAQ 1.0.7
Initial release